Study Programme

It's Daniela again.

A lot of my friends know I want to especialize in latin american studies. So, I want to especialize going to electives about this theme or focus more in subjects related to it.

My studies will be super long, maybe because I like too much the student life and to avoid work. So, not only I will study all the pre-grade, I will try to have majors too.

Now I discovered that it wont work just writing in classes, because my notes sucks, so I'm making more aesthetical pleasant notes now, with a lot of colours and even funny commentary by me to catch myself into the subject, all outside classes.

I still struggle to meet places for studying in the university campus, this is because despite of the library has a good studying area, it's super quiet and the lack of noise make me just..  confused. I have this same problem with the part down the stairs in FACSO, because it's still too quiet even though it's more considerable noisy. So maybe I'm going to loud places because I feel there is too much to pay attention that I stop paying attention to my ambient and just do what I want, but places able to study, not like sitting on the grass.

I often use my cellphone and my notebooks for studying, but I want to have the ability of not using any technological deviced because I spent too much in the cellphone and computer. Sadly, I need to use them or I wont get the information I need.

I don't get what they try to mean with teaching methods so... well, when I get it I'll write it here.

I still don't get what is this building, can someone explain me? Thank you for reading


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