English language challenges

 It's Daniela again!

I often speak English in my daily life, this is because I have english-speaking friends on the Internet. Now, my English can be sometimes "primitive" due to syntaxis mistakes and my friends tell me. Now, I often don't speak verbally, almost everything I do it's written, because our schedules are too different by time zone. So that's how I practice my English capacity in the daily life.

University made me to open again Blogspot when I haven't wrote in here since 10 years old roughtly. This helped me to have some work in my syntaxis because when I write to my friends, I don't worry so much of my grammar or syntaxis because my friends write super weird too, especially the non-english-native friends, normally european and even asian people. So I approve a lot this method, although it being a little overwhelming. Now I opened another blog for my personal likes about Gyaru fashion.

I'm working in learning much more about syntaxis and I'm trying to get people for speaking in english because I'm bad listening, sometime I don't understand accents or directly I can't get the language itself, but I try my best hearing videos about my likes and still trying to have some connection with my besties.

I wish we didn't have strike for being more responsable in this subject, I feel kinda guilty of not comming but I respected as much as I could the votation.

Thank you for reading!

Me and my besties avoiding responsabilities


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