My dream job

Hello again! Time to talk about our identity crisis about how we're going to handle future!

As you know, I'm studying sociology and obviously I'll try to be a sociologist for the future. What I want more to do is to work for the academy from this university. I want to make papers, investigations and, ethnographies, related to the latinamerican context.

I imagine the work there will be related a lot with first phases of reading and writing per investigation and then other phases more related to go outside and to contact people, with interviews or just reading the ambience.

I'll need to have a faster mind to start an essay before the article itself, because I still get blocks writing, and maybe I'll need to study a magister and doctorate specialized in latinamerican studies because people hire more when you have more grades.

I'm afraid to say I don't know what's the salary of working in this, I don't know if in Chile they pay for living, if it's not the case I will need to go outside to a country that pays good for investigation, but I want to study for Latin America, not for the U.S or Europe.

I actually don't have idea what the work will be, neither in what sociologists work to be honest. I love the career but I don't know if I will like to work.


  1. Hi daniela, i feel in the same way, i don´t know what i wanna be in the future, but i like sociology


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