Time travel
It's Daniela again. This time we should talk about what we would like to go traveling to the future. To be honest, I don't like the idea of time travel, I fear it, what if I do something wrong and I change by accident the timeline of it? But thinking and thinking, I would like to go to Europe in just 100 years more, why? Because if I do something wrong in the future, the timeline I change it wont change my present timeline and I wont live the consequences of it. Now, why Europe? Because I don't have any idea of how future will be, I believe it will be chaotic due to climate change, so if I'm obligated to time travel to an uncertain future, maybe Europe would be a safe space to watch what's happening in the world without me being affected directly. This has other bennefits like to not look at myself or my relatives from that timeline and change some type of paradox and to enjoy a little time in this future, because it's Europe! About if I would like to stay or re